The Dunklin Fire Protection Joins Red Cross
Efforts to Reduce Home Fire Deaths and Injuries
Pevely, Missouri Tuesday, June 19, 2018—The Dunklin Fire Protection District is joining the American Red Cross Home Fire Campaign, a nationwide effort to work over the next several years to reduce the number of deaths and injuries from the most common disaster people face in this country – home fires.
As part of the Red Cross Home Fire Campaign, the Dunklin Fire Protection District will help teach people about fire safety and help install smoke alarms in some neighborhoods where needed. The campaign focuses on increasing the use of smoke alarms in at-risk neighborhoods and encouraging everyone to practice their fire escape plans.
‘We want to support our community by joining this effort to teach people about fire safety and help install smoke alarms in homes that need them,” said Bradley Williams, Fire Chief, for the Dunklin Fire Protection District.
Across the country, the Red Cross Home Fire Campaign has already been credited with saving a number of lives. Hundreds of thousands of smoke alarms have been installed in homes in more than 4,100 cities and towns across the United States.
WHAT YOU CAN DO There are two simple steps people can take right now to help. Households should check their existing smoke alarms and practice fire drills at home.
There are several other things families and individuals can do to increase their chances of surviving a fire:
If someone doesn’t have smoke alarms, install them. At a minimum, put one on every level of the home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas.
If someone does have alarms, test them today. If they don’t work, replace them.
Build a fire escape plan. Make sure that everyone in the family knows how to get out of every room and how to get out of the home in less than two minutes.
Practice that plan.
The Red Cross has a Home Fire Escape Plan worksheet people can use to create their fire escape plan.
“We look forward to working with the Red Cross on the Home Fire Campaign here in the Dunklin Fire Protection District,” said Williams, “This project will help make our community safer and better prepared to deal with an emergency situation like a home fire.
To learn more about the Home Fire Campaign, visit redcross.org.